sleep hours
salam semua...
How much sleep you actually need depends on your age, activity level, and even genetics. This article will help you figure it out with a test.
okla...that's all for now...siapa nak try,bolehlah try..=)
thanks for reading..hope u enjoy this...=)
p.s. lepas ni aku da boleh jadi pakar tidur entry ke-3 pasal tidur..haha...tu la,dulu suruh belajar biology rajin2 tak mau...kan da tak boleh jadi doktor...ala,nurse pun boleh...cuma mak tak galakkan la..tak apa,engineer pun doktor juga,doktor bangunan la...=P
semua orang ingat my sleeping problem da berakhir no no,belum lagi turn out,aku tak dapat sangat tidur malam jumaat tu...walaupun jumaat pagi aku ada kelas..aku terlelap pun maybe for 2 to 3hours sahaja..and then,bangun and pergi kelas..sepanjang hari aku tak tidur...semalam pun aku tidur lewat,tak mengantuk la pula..and i ended up sleeping 8hours gitu...aik??yang hari sebelum tu tak ganti ke?tapi aku rasa fresh ja bangun tadi ni...hmmh...pelik sungguh..aku pun saja je la pergi search kat mr. google tu...dan terbaca pasal ni...interesting...taken from here....jom kita baca...
How much sleep you actually need depends on your age, activity level, and even genetics. This article will help you figure it out with a test.
- Develop good sleep hygiene. If you're getting "bad sleep" (a mixture of lying in bed and actual sleep) then you have no way of knowing how much sleep you're actually getting, so you can't figure out how much sleep you need. To carry out this test, you're going to need at least decent quality sleep (falling asleep soon after you go to bed, and not waking up a lot through the night). Here are the basics:
- Don't eat or exercise in the last few hours before you go to bed.(ok,dengan syarat dalam bilik aku tak ada makanan...hehe...exercise di tengah malam?tak kot...)
- Don't drink much in the hour before you sleep, and use the bathroom right before you go to bed. This reduces the likelihood of waking up to use the toilet.(ini biasalah...i think semua orang pun buat kan...)
- Don't get in the habit of reading, watching TV, listening to music, or doing anything that engages your mind when you're in bed.(ok,mulai sekarang,jangan buat benda lain di atas katil kecuali tidur..termasukla menaip entry ini...haha...tak apa,entry lepas ni la ye....=P)
- Learn how to clear your mind. (clear my mind?nanti aku try)
- Abstain from alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and medicines that can affect your sleep. Continue abstaining from the use of these products for the duration of the test. (tak ada masalah...i dont drink,coffee pun tak minum,merokok is a big no and tak ada makan2 ubat ni...)
- Avoid taking naps. (ini pun boleh saja...aku memang tak suka tidur siang, tidur sekejap tu..sebab susah nak bangun..and kalau bangun pun,i will end up with headache...prinsip aku,kalau nak tidur,tidur terus,tak payah nak nap2 lagi lepas tu...biar tidur tu sekali harung je...hehe...)
sory lappy, i have to stay out of bed and so are u...
lappy,duduk ja di situ diam2.jom makan!haha...
- Stick to a consistent bed time or wake-up time, but not both. Which one you choose will depend on your individual circumstances and schedule. Follow one of these tests for 2 weeks (jom try ni!):
- Test 1: Wake up at the same time in the morning, every day of the week. The time you choose doesn't really matter, as long as it's not likely you'll get woken up earlier. For example, if you choose 8am, but you know that on Fridays your roommate makes a lot of noise at 7am and it tends to wake you up, set the time at 7 instead. It's just for the length of this experiment, not for the rest of your life. Set your alarm clock and force yourself to get out of bed as soon as the alarm clock goes off .
Go to bed each night whenever you feel tired. Don't stay up if you feel sleepy. Don't go to bed if you're not sleepy. After two weeks your body will know that it has to get up at a specific time (say, 6am) so you will begin to consistently start feeling tired at midnight, which will tell you that your body needs 6 hours of sleep. (yang ni nak disiplin ni...tapi macam waktu sekolah dulu la... aku tak kira la tidur pukul berapa pun...i will end up waking at 5.30am... perrghhh... terbaikla, awal gila aku bangun...of course la kena bangun seawal itu...kena solat subuh...kat sabah pukul 6 pagi da ada matahari ok...sekolah pun masuk 6.45 pagi...takkanla 6.30 pagi baru nak bangun.. haha..)
- Test 2: Choose a time to go to bed that will allow you up to 9 hours (or 10, if you can manage it!) of uninterrupted sleep before you need to wake up. It also needs to be a time when you will easily fall asleep; if you're not tired or sleepy and you end up laying in bed without sleeping, this test won't work.
For this test, do not use an alarm clock. If you need to wake up at 9am so you can make it to work, go to bed every night at 11pm (which gives you 10 hours to sleep) to ensure that you wake up naturally by 9am. If you're worried you might sleep more than 10 hours, set an "emergency" alarm at 9:15, or do the other test instead. (ok,yang test ni aku suka... haha... tapi nak buat hari2 macam susah ja...weekends boleh la kot...tak payah set alarm,bangun bila terbangun la...hehe...)
As the test goes on, you'll notice that you start waking up on your own at the same time every day. Let's say you go to sleep every night at 12am, and you find yourself waking up feeling rested every morning at 8am. That means you need 8 hours of sleep. (ok,nanti aku kira..=) )
- Listen to your body. You may discover you need anywhere between 3 and 12 hours of sleep. If you sleep that much (or little) and you feel fine, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There's no evidence for the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night. Some people who need less sleep feel pressured to sleep for longer, because everyone tells them they should be getting more sleep in order to be healthy, and their worrying leads to insomnia! (baru pula aku tau...selama ni aku ingat kita kena tidur 6-8jam sehari.. rupa-rupanya,lain orang lainlah masanya...ada ke orang perlu tidur 3jam je?gila bapak... seronok juga kot, banyak masa nak buat benda lain...pergila study berabis,dapat dekan setiap sem...haha...)
stay out of the bed!(mengingatkan diri sendiri =P) |
- For most people with jobs or other time commitments, it's easier to have a set wake-up time and vary the time at which they go to bed, rather than the other way around. (betul2 saya setuju...tak lama lagi nak kerja dah...=) )
- Consistency is key. Whichever test you do, follow the steps strictly for best results. (ok,sesiapa yang try test2 ni,disiplin penting ye...)
- The reason you need to run either test for two weeks is because at first, there may be a "sleep deficit" that your body insists on catching up on. That being said, if you can carry the test on for 3 weeks, you can have more confidence in the results. (ingat,2minggu ok...seminggu tak accurate sangat..)
- Increased activity levels (like exercise) will throw off your sleep times during the tests. Try to keep your activity levels consistent every day throughout the test. (masa test,aktiviti mesti consistent...kalau hari ni nak nak lari padang 10 round, hari2 kena lari padang 10 round... kurus la aku kalau macam tu...haha.. XD)
- Children need more sleep for their growing bodies. Put them to bed at 8:00 or 9:00 o'clock and time when they fall asleep and then let them sleep until they wake up on their own in the morning. Count the number of hours they slept and that is the number of hours they NEED to sleep. Adjust bedtime for school nights accordingly. (owh,aku tak ada anak lagi...anak kucing ada la...haha...)
- Your age has a lot to do with your sleeping habits. (umur aku berapa ek?eh,muda lagi apa... haha...)
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sedapnye la meow ni tidur.. |
- If you need more than 12 hours of sleep and you are not a teenager, or if your sleep needs have changed suddenly, you should consult your doctor. (hah,siap warning lagi...haha...teenagers tu umur 9 to 17 years old,korang rasa korang ape?)
thanks for reading..hope u enjoy this...=)
p.s. lepas ni aku da boleh jadi pakar tidur entry ke-3 pasal tidur..haha...tu la,dulu suruh belajar biology rajin2 tak mau...kan da tak boleh jadi doktor...ala,nurse pun boleh...cuma mak tak galakkan la..tak apa,engineer pun doktor juga,doktor bangunan la...=P